Preventative Health Analysis
Bioresonance Health Check
For Your Furry Children
Non-invasive scanning of various organs & systems of the animal’s body to detect parasites, pathogens, toxins, food allergies, early onset of disease, etc..
Effective preventative healthcare
developed to help pet owners and veterinarians support animals in living happier, healthier & quality filled lives.
Scans & therapy can be provided remotely by scanning DNA provided in hair or tissue through Radionics (aka Electromagnetic Therapy / Abrahams method.)
How Does The Biophelia Guardian Resonance Scanner Work?
The Biophelia Resonance Scanner is a very unique system which scans and treats the various organs and systems in the physical body of the animal on a cellular level. It compares the measurements to a data base of referenced conditions and their diagnosis. The scan and treatment is non-invasive, totally stress free to the animal / the owner, safe, effective, pain free and can be done remotely for clients all over the world.
*Other animals can also be scanned. Please do enquire.
How can a scan with the Biophelia Guardian System help?
The Biophelia System scans for pathogens, skeletal stressors, etc. and can detect imbalances and diseases before they happen or in early stages of development. The results obtained from the scan enable the holistic therapist to recommend holistic treatments which will be most beneficial to the animal (i.e.: diet, homeopathic, herbal, essential oil remedies, Rife Therapy, etc..) in order to bring their furry bodies into overall homeostasis so that they can all live a happier, healthier, longer and more quality filled life.
Not only is the Biophelia System able to scan for imbalances, but the system can also treat the imbalances with Meta Therapy and make allopathic / homeopathic remedies by printing the relevant remedy's frequency in to water / a magnet /crystal / oils / herbal tinctures which can be used as part of the treatment protocol to help restore the body back to homeostasis.
Remote Pet / Animal Scans & Treatment Packages
Office Hours (SAS Time/GMT+2):
Mondays - Thursdays: 9am - 3pm
Closed: Fridays; Saturdays; Sundays & Public Holidays
"Because they have no voice, they look to us for love and care."
Evelyn Duperron
17 Vowe Street, On Cnr Fraser & Vowe Street, Harrismith, 9880,
+27 83 294 5616