Remote Bioresonance Scans & Holistic Therapy
For the whole family
Non-invasive scanning of various organs, systems & cells to detect parasites, pathogens, toxins, food allergies, early onset of disease, etc..
Effective preventative healthcare to support individuals and professionals in promoting happier, healthier lives for people and animals.
Scans and therapy are done remotely by scanning DNA in hair, nail clippings, or a high-resolution photo using Quantum Scaler Technology.
How does Bioresonance scanning work?
A Bioresonance Non-Linear Scanner is a very unique system which scans and treats the various organs and systems in the physical body of people, animals and even plants on a cellular level. It compares the measurements to a data base of referenced conditions and their diagnosis. The scan and treatment is non-invasive, totally stress free to the patient, safe, effective, pain free and is a wonderful stand alone therapy for those who just want to take care of their health or as a complimentary therapy to support the system while on medical treatment.
How can a scan with the Bioresonance Non-Linear System help?
The Bioresonance System scans for pathogens, skeletal stressors, etc. and can detect imbalances and diseases before they happen or in early stages of development. The results obtained from the scan enable the holistic therapist to recommend suitable holistic treatments and therapies which will be most beneficial to the patient (i.e.: homeopathic, herbal, essential oil remedies, Rife Therapy, etc..) in order to bring their bodies into overall homeostasis so that they can all live a happier, healthier, longer and more quality filled life.
Not only is the Biophelia System able to scan for imbalances, but the system can also treat the imbalances with Meta Therapy and make various remedies by printing the relevant remedy's frequency in to water / a healing magnet /healing gemstones / oils / herbal tinctures and even directly in the patient which can be used as part of the treatment protocol to help restore the body back to homeostasis.
How can Bioresonance take place remotely?
The Quantum Black Box enables us to perform accurate scans and treatments worldwide, just like if the client / pet from 8000km away is on our premises.
With double sensors and scalar waves, the Quantum Black Box outperforms the standard headset in power. Our findings indicate that it is more accurate and effective than treating a person or pet directly.
Remote therapy is most ideal for anyone who is seeking Holistic Health solutions without the stress of leaving the house or having to make space in their hectic schedule for lengthy scans and therapies. Remote therapy is also most suitable for children and pets.
Although we have mostly be working with DNA samples to date, (hair/nail clippings and saliva), we have recently discovered that high resolution photos are also effective in treating our clients in cases where there are emergencies and there simply was no way of sending samples. Although we have a preference of working with DNA samples, we now leave this option solely to our clients.
This website and its associated services and products have not been evaluated by regulatory bodies such as the European Food Safety Authority or the Food and Drug Administration. The services and products provided through this website are not intended for the purpose of screening, diagnosing, treating, curing, or preventing any disease or medical condition, nor are the products, services or advise designed to assess the risk of any disease or medical condition. If anyone is considering making dietary changes, using drugs, starting an exercise regimen, or making lifestyle modifications due to a medical condition or for the purposes of disease prevention or treatment, it is highly advisable to consult a qualified physician or a competent healthcare professional.
17 Vowe Street, On Cnr Fraser & Vowe Street, Harrismith, 9880,
+27 83 294 5616